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Mods are any content developed by the community that changes the visual and/or gameplay of the game.

If you found a bug, need help or just wanna chat about your mods, join our Discord Server Mods Channel.

Basic Guides


JSON mods are a less complex way to create mods. With JSON mods non-programmers can also create mods without previous programming knowledge.
At the moment, we have JSON mod support for the following items:

BepInEx Mods

To create complex mods using BepInEx you need to setup BepInEx in your machine and have some programming knowledge to inject code in game.
We are using BepInEx 5 plugin template.

How to Mod

To mod for Astrea using BepInEx follow these steps:

Useful Links

If you want to understand better how BepInEx works in game or clear up any doubts: